Fungus Girl


New Year, New Hate For Social Media

So as you might assume from the other posts on this blog, I have an ever-growing dislike of social media, streaming, and the like. This is a short blog post about one new thing I hate:

Pinterest Ads

I’ve known that Pinterest is adding more advertisements in each scroll, but so far, although annoying, it hasn’t been enough to make me want to leave the platform. That’s changed. I scrolled once and saw three ads stacked on top of each other. Next to them were two “pins” that were both commerce pins, leading to products. Now, I like finding products on Pinterest. It’s a great way to find smaller artists, but by George, it’s not an e-commerce platform! That is, it isn’t billed as one, but clearly, as all social medias are, it was meant to be monetized.

All this was to say, I might need to find a different website to look at for art inspiration.